About kouksundo - Kuksando

What is Kouksundo?

Kouksundo in an ancient Korean practice that allows people to feel the wonders that correct breathing, meditation and exercise do for our physical bodies as well as our life energy. This ancient teaching has been practiced in the Korean mountains for ages. Yet, it has only reached the broader society just recently.

This practice is designed to optimize inner energy and blood circulation so that a person could gain the vitality of Nature. Kouksundo practice consists of several parts: lower abdominal breathing, slow body movements, and meditation; dynamic movements, dynamic stretching exercises, and martial arts. Kouksundo practice has more than 500 types of movements which, connected with breathing, stimulates people’s organs, muscles, blood, and energy circulation.

The Masters of Kouksundo in Korea always stress that Kouksundo is not an exercise routine – it is a complex teaching and practice that works with our life energy. That is why, it is essential that people practice with qualified instructors, who have gained qualifications of instructors. Fortunately, we already have a few certified instructors around Europe and the number of them is growing.

The history of Kouksundo

Kouksundo has been practiced in the Korean mountains for almost 10 thousand years. The sages far away in the mountains were looking for ways to help people live long, healthy and happy lives. They created Kouksundo – the practise which can unfold all the human potential.

For thousands of years this teaching was secret. It reached the society only in the middle of the XX century, when the Great Master Chung San came from the mountains to introduce Kouksundo to the Korean people and the World. The Great Master spread Kouksundo teaching for 17 years until he returned back to the mountains in 1984. Chung San passed his knowledge on to his son Master  seonsa Jin Mok and a few faithful Kouksundo masters. There are several hundreds of Masters in the world today but only 8 of them have the highest – bopsa – title. Master Jin Mok is one of them. For more that 30 years Master Jin Mok leads seminars in various countries of the World. Master bopsa Jin Mok is the President of The World Bakdol Kouksundo Federation.

Kouksundo in Europe

Algirdas and Toma met Master Jin Mok in 2005 when climbing the Mount Kailash in Tibet. Their first Kouksundo practice took place 5.5 km above the sea level on the shore of lake Manasarovar and there was no stopping after that. After the return from Tibet, they started practicing Kouksundo, visiting with Master Jin Mok regularly and learning directly from him, sharing the experience and knowledge with friends and family.

Photo: in the first row from the left: Algirdas Kumza, Toma Kumziene and master bopsa Jin Mok in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. In a few minutes they will start their trip to Tibet.

In the highlands of Tibet we experienced the power of Kouksundo and felt close connection with master Jin Mok. We visited him in Korea in 2006, practised Kouksundo in Korean mountains and Kouksundo centers. Master Jin Mok accompanied us during all the trip. We visited Korea many times during years of our friendship and continue visiting regularly. Together with master we visited many countries in Europe and organised seminars in England, Portugal, Czech Republic, Latvia, Ukraine, Norway.

Photo: master Jin Mok leads a seminar in the Embassy of Lithuania to Ukraine. Kiev, 2007.

Photo: Algirdas Kumza studies in the Kouksundo Academy, which was founded by Master Jin Mok. Korean mountains, spring of 2009.

Photo: master Jin Mok leads Kouksundo practise in World Lithuanian Youth Summit. Lithuania, 2012.

Lithuanian Kouksundo Association, the member of World Bakdol Kouksundo Federation, established in 2016.

As we saw the need for Kouksundo growing in Lithuania, the National Kouksundo center in Vilnius opened its doors in 2017. Master Jin Mok is now a regular guest in Lithuania and other European countries sharing the teaching of Kouksundo with those interested in Europe.

The first international retreat in South Korean mountains and Kouksundo centers was held in July 2018.

Photo: first international Kouksundo seminar with participants from Czech Republic, Portugal, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Vilnius, 2018.

A book Kouksundo, written by Kouksundo master Algirdas Kumza was published in 2019. You can find about Kouksundo in other books written by Algirdas Kumza – Himalaya. The Diary of One Expedition as well as Rasa. Under the Angel’s Wing.

Kouksundo Academy was established in May 2019. The best teachers from all around the world teach Kouksundo in this online academy. More than a hundred new practitioners join the Academy every month.

International seminars in Czech Republic, England, Portugal, Latvia and Norway were held in 2019.

National Kouksundo Center opened in Klaipeda in May 2019.

Second international retreat in South Korean mountains and Kouksundo centers was held in July 2019.

The second international Kouksundo seminar was held in Lithuania in November 2019. Master bopsa Jin Mok together with 5 masters from Korea, World Bakdol Kouksundo Federation joined the seminar. Masters and practitioners from Russia, Poland, Belarus, Czech Republic, Denmark and Lithuania joined the seminar as well.

Algirdas Kumza was inaugurated by black belt in 2019. He became the first Kouksundo master in Lithuania. Algirdas passed the international teacher’s exam in Korea same year as well.

The book Kouksundo by Master Jin Mok was published in the autumn of 2019. After two months the Russian edition of this book was published. Now the English translation is being prepared.

The book can be ordered here: https://kuksando.lt/produktas/jin-mok-kuksando/