About us - Kuksando

Kouksundo Master Algirdas Kumza

An ambassador, and a signatory of the Act of Independence of Lithuania. Algirdas started practicing Kouksundo back in 2005. In the year 2019, Algirdas was awarded the black belt and passed the international Kouksundo teacher’s exam in Korea.

Algirdas is the author of 2 books about kouksundo: Himalayas. The Diary of One Expedition about his trip to Mount Sisia Pangma and Kouksundo. The Journey – about his path to Kouksundo.

Photo: left Algirdas Kumza, right master seonsa Jin Mok.

Kouksundo Master Toma Kumziene

Toma Kumziene first practised Kouksundo in 2005 during a trip to the holy mount Kailash in Tibet. She has been teaching Kouksundo since 2017. She was awarded the black belt (master of Kouksundo) in 2021. For many years Toma has been studying Sasang (traditional Korean medicine) with the famous Oriental medicine doctor and founder of the Institute of Traditional Korean Medicine Dr. Gary Wagman, the USA. She is also studying acupuncture. 

She is an occupational therapist (ergotherapist), fitness instructor and a member of EREPS (European Register of Exercise Professionals), which certifies fitness instructors in Europe. 

Photo: Toma Kumziene

Photo: Toma Kumziene with master Jin Mok in mountains

Photo: first Kouksundo practise in Himalayas together with master Jin Mok in 2005

Masters Algirdas & Toma.